Friday, November 16, 2007

Gone to Far???

Have weddings and babyshowers gone to far lately? I'm hearing about bridesmaids expected to pay 3 and 4 hundred dollars a piece for different events (outside of their dresses, shoes, etc.), babyshowers with djs....

What happened to simply enjoying what you are there to do-celebrate a union of two people and bringing a new life into this world...

Have we gone to far???


Tra said...

Well you know my take on that type of stuff....people DO NOT have the proper etiquette when it comes those things. Weddings tend to have a more traditional "do/do not" list but there really aren't any rules when it comes to babyshowers.

Pri said...

I have paid for a bridesmaid dress and will do it again, but I would never expect my bridesmaids to do the same. If this is my celebration and fanfare, I should foot the bill. If I can't afford to pay for dresses, accessories, shoes, jewelry, hair, and makeup for my bridesmaids then I cannot afford the reception and may need to downsize from a wedding party of 10 to maybe 2.

Now, ya'll know I really don't believe in baby showers anymore. I believe in celebrating a child's birth. (I have even told you all before that I don't want one if/when that time.) But showers can be to be a bit over the top. I've witnessed people sending baby shower invitations stating they are registered at Tiffany and Pottery Barn Kids and they are a GS-4 in the government! Am I mad at them for wanting the best for their child? No. All mothers and father should only want the best for their child, but don't expect me to purchase items that you can't even afford. You can buy anything at the respective stores that you like; However, don't ask me to do so.

I have had the "honor" of hosting a baby shower and the couple showed me exactly how much I dislike pregnant women (and men). When they want something, they demand it. My girlfriend's husband decided it was okay to tell me that they didn't want the baby shower at their home (or anyone's home for that matter) and tried to demand that I rent a suite at the former MCI Center. I've heard of mothers-to-be requesting DeeJays and bellydancers at their shower. I guess that's all well and good for those that get into that type of thing, but I'm not pimping your baby shower. and wouldn't expect anyone to do that for me either. Oh, I don't plan on having a babyshower and I ask (and I think I've asked ya'll this before)

Tra said...

Pri...I agree with you a 100% on the babyshower situation...and you know you've heard my 2 cents regarding that....shit, I threw my own babyshower just b/c I never expect anyone to do I know how picky and anal I am so I'd rather do it myself.

As for when I get married, I would like to foot a majority of the bill..not sure I'll be able to but at the end of the day, whoever I ask has the option of being in my wedding. If they choose not to, I will not be offended b/c I know how it is and not everyone's finances are always together. Especially not for someone else's wedding. But I will make sure I give all costs suprises. I'm also not for expensive bridesmaid dresses...$100 or less. At the end of the day, I'm not having an over the to wedding. I'd rather use my $$ to go towards a crib or something.

Pri said...

I agree! If you are going to have your bridesmaid pay for their attire, please try to be mindful of everyone's financial situation. I know for me I can't expect people to pay for the wardrobe and also pay for travel expenses for themselves, children, and mates.

Unknown said...

I was just looking in the ettiquette book that I have and there are "rules" when it comes to bridal and baby showers as well as bridal luncheons etc. In this day and age not too many people follow that etiquette, or they go off of their own family's tradition. Hey whatever floats your boat. I do think that DJs @ baby showers are a bit much and bellydancers etc .....way over the top! I just feel that you shouldn't as others to do what you, yourself wouldn't do if the situation or roles were reversed.