Saturday, November 17, 2007

How Far Would U Go To Catch Your Man Cheating

I'm up late and of course I'm surfing the internet. I stumble across this video on youtube called Let Me Smell Your Dick. This is not the first time I've heard of women doing this. One depiction was in my favorite movie Baby Boy and of course, I've seen it numerous times on Maury (yes, I like trash tv!). While, I thought the video was hilarous, I want to say that ladies, if you are doing this you have gone toooooooo DAMN far!

You know when your man is cheating. And smelling his dick ain't going to make him stop. Hello, soap and water cleans the smell of vagina off a dick! I'm just saying if it's getting to the point where you are acting like a puppy, it's time to get your face out of his crotch, stand on your two feet and walk the fuck out the door.

I'm sure we have all experienced a man cheating but not once have I asked a man to smell his penis to prove it: the text messages, walking out the room when the phone rings, and the not coming home is enough to let you know that he's cheating. And if that's not enough clues for you then I don't know what else to tell ya ass because you probably ain't leaving him anyway and if you smellin his dick I'm pretty sure your not leaving and if you're not leaving just be glad he came home with a "clean" dick. Cause seriously, seriously, your playin yourself when you're sniffin penis for these purposes. It just ain't right.


Pri said...

I think the women are smelling for fresh soap. If your man works in construction from 9-5 and slangs fries from 10-6, they know that 10-6 isn't legit if he still smells like Irish Spring when he makes it in. LOL

Square biz, I haven't done this and don't have any friends that do this (at least I don't think ya'll do) but I have done some other crazy things to find out a man is cheating that probably have gone too far. I wouldn't do them anymore cause I really think when it gets there it's gone too far anyway. But some women smell dicks, others hire PIs...I guess whatever it takes to get the info you need.

Tra said...

Girllllll, I've never done all that....usually, I know but b/c my gut (woman's intuition)tells me so...can't quite put my finger on it, but I've never been the one to go "looking/seeking"...usually it comes to you in the form of some simple bitch telling you or his ass just is slopppy, either way, it comes out....I've only snooped once, and that was reading text messages and I did not like what I read so I've learned my lesson. I'm a firm believer in what you do in the dark will come to the light. No need in me exhausting my energy looking.

KeeraUnique said...

Well, I said after being hurt and cheated on by my 2nd son's father, I swore to my self never to let my self go though that again. I am not even going to waste my energy or time to try to find to find out if my man is cheating. You no why? I am the prize. I am the backbone. I am the one. If he chooses to cheat and f*ck up what a good woman he has, then thats his lose and my gain. As Mary J says: "NO MORE DRAMA, NO MORE TEARS, NO MORE STAYIN UP LATE AT NIGHT, I'M JUST FINE!!!!!!" FEEL ME! ITS ABOUT ME NOW AND HIM LATER.

Pri said...

I feel that 100%! I'm not about the drama either. I've been there and who wants to live like that.

Anonymous said...

penis smelling is strange. flat out.

i am not sure how i ended up on this blog, but i do think that if you even THINK about smelling a penis, and are not about to "do the do", then you have a problem.

take a page from the book of that chick in baby boy and stay with your man, or leave that fool.

the truth WILL ALWAYS come to the light, good or bad. go with that.