Friday, November 9, 2007


Plastic surgery is the new must have. Everyone is having it and as seen in Hollywood everyone has just about had it. It's the quickest way to correct the imperfections you've always wanted to remove, tuck, suck, add, or reduce. As seen on TV, Dr. 90210, and Nip Tuck, it's the best thing to do for the NEW YOU! Is the risk worth acheiving the cosmetic desires you've always wanted, or should you be happy with what you have and work out?


KeeraUnique said...

Well ladies, if I haven't told you, I am having my consultation on Nov. 15. I am very much excited and at the same time nervous. However, I always wanted to have breast, which I've never had even after having 3 kids. So ladies by the time I see you all, I will have beautiful breasts,and a flat stomach. I figure why not. I've always wanted it and you only live once enjoy it. Enjoy life, love, family, self, and friends. So, say a prayer for me and I let ya'll know how my surgery wen't on Dec.5. Oops I may be to sore to talk, or type. But as soon as I feel better ya'll be the first I call! LOVE YA'LL!!

KeeraUnique said...

As Pri say, "Stay FABULOUS". I'm want to be that time 3. (LOL) Kimora watch out!!

Tra said...

You go girl! You do what makes YOU happy and will make you feel comfortable with YOU....I had a breast lift a few years ago but would also love to have breast implants and lipo on my stomach and thighs..maybe even a tummy tuck but I figured I'd wait until I have at least one or two more children b/c that would be a waste of money.

I will have you in my prayers and when I see you in DR you will be FABULOUS!!! I'm jealous..LOL

Unknown said...

I say why not! I'm definitly having a breast reduction after I have kids. And I would not be afraid to get some lipo or a little bit of botox. Why not?

But I'm mad the rest of us is going to have work out mad hard so we don't look like chumps next to you on the beach!

Go get ya new titties girl!!!! And do not forget to call me!!!!!

Pri said...

You and I were talking about this last night and I'm just waiting on your results. If you are happy with it, guess what--I got next! I think lipo is a great way to jump start the fat reduction in the abdomen area. Even when I was a size 2, running track, working out, and being very active I still had belly fat and I think the only way I'll ever really be able to get rid of it is lipo because that's where my body stores all my fat. Like right now, I'm not huge but my waist line is ridiculous. My legs and butt are fine, arms are coming down, but I can't do anything about my fluffy waist and stomach.

And you know we call you Kimora anyway so this just is all so fitting!

Ms. Dre said...

Wow! I'm kinda shocked... I will have you in my thoughts and prayers as well. As for me, I am too scurred! I am too much a scardy cat to under surgery if it is not absolutely necessary!! Maybe that will change after kids and being in the hospital, but right now... I've only been in the hospital ONCE in my life when I had meningitis! I prolly shouldn't bring this up, but seeing all the bruises and horror stories on those shows scares. However, I know you put in time to research and all that so I am sure yours will go smoothly. Don't get me wrong, I know I could use a ton of work on my body and maybe one day I will consider it, until then I will just have to suck it up and work it out! LOL But Keera, you go cuz life is short! And your gonna look great... now I don't feel so bad missing the trip!

Misty said...

Well you know I've had boobs, and now I don't have boobs. Though I'd love to be a little bigger than I am now (34B), having the (36D) breasts I had in high school weren't always fun. I found males basically talking to my chest constantly (and I've got a cute face), and my back hurt and I couldn't wear the cute little tops small breasted women could w/o looking like I was trying to draw attention to myself. But girl, if that's what you want, get it! I'd love to suck a little out of my tummy and love handle area, but I want more children. Best believe, when I'm done popping them out, and I've got some extra cash, I may be under the knife too! Oh, but make sure you work out after getting lypo. I know a girl who didn't, and now she looks 6 months pregnant. Having the new, tight stomach, if you don't work out, all the fat inside of a tight stomach pokes out like you are with child... And with this new body, and rock star attitude, don't become a video chick on :)

Unknown said...

Go FOR IT! After I am finished having children, I am getting it all done, boobs lifted augmented if needed, tummy tuck, liposuction, THE WORKS!!! I am excited for you. Let us bloggers know how it was pain, recovery etc.