Thursday, December 20, 2007

How far would you go for love?

I recently have seen a couple of documentaries about couples where one partner was HIV-positive and the other was negative. In all the cases, the woman was positive, and the couples went on to get married, one couple was even contemplating having children. My question is...if a man told you he was HIV-positive, could/would you continue to date him?


Tra said...

Wow....that's a hard question to answer. I guess it all depends on my level of involvement with him. If I were already in a committed relationship with him and he found out...then that would be a heavy decision to make. But, if I just met someone and he disclosed it, right now, my mind is saying "I'd be out".

Ms. Dre said...

Yea, that is a tuffy! I don't know. I want to just say I agree with Tra, but how could you trust somone again, after finding out they had been witholding this type of info from you while building your relationship? And how would that even come up, because you two are ready to have sex??

However, if I was in a relationship with them for a while and they tested positive... I don't know what I would do. I know people who make their partners get tested before having sex, which I think is extremely smart, but never met anyone who actually tested positive.

If it was someone I had been dating for a few months, I would bounce for sure. Probably still be their friend tho and try to help them learn how to continue living normal life.

Unknown said...

Um, if dude told me he was positive, no matter when he found out, I would bounce. I don't think I could date someone knowing that they had something that could potentially kill me. I know we all die of something but I don't want to die from that. Sorry. I know there is safe sex but even if I was in love, I would have to just be homeboy's friend. That may sound mean. And I think people w/HIV need love too but I could only offer a friendly love.

I went to a seminar where this woman was speaking and she had HIV. She said she only dated people who were positive even if the other person insisted they were okay with it. She said she didn't want that on her head. I understand that.

I know HIV doesn't have the stigma it once had but I feel the same way the lady does. If I had it, and praise be to God that I don't, I would only date people who were positive as well. Atleast they could understand what I'm going through. I definitly wouldn't have children.

Pri said...

No...end of discussion.

Pri said...

I just re-read the post and saw that you said the women were positive and the men went on to marry them. I don't know how men think and I have stopped trying to figure them out, but I think these men married these women for reasons why I know I wouldn't marry a man that was HIV positive. One, men are very visual. If you're an attractive woman, most men won't turn down pussy. I had the pleasure of hearing Rae Lewis Thornton, an AIDS Activist who is AIDS positive, and one thing she said that still resonates in my mind after 10 years is that she still got approached by men with offers of sex even after knowing her status. Two, a lot of men I have talked to have a very cynical outlook on life. When I explain my fear of pre-marital sex these days, I have had more than one man tell me "We all gotta go some way." I definitely am not deviating from this truth, but with all the "natural" causes there are to die from I refuse to purposely end my life prematurely.

Tra said...

I need to clarify...I was referring to a man that I was in a relationship finding out he was positive while we were together..not already knowing and withholding that info...for that, a nigga could get killed :)

But its hard to say w/o actually being in that position