Saturday, December 15, 2007

What's your limit?

So I was talking to a friend last night-yes I know I'm always talking to someone-and we were talking about the slim dating prospects out there. We talked about dating "others" (non-black) but that's a whole 'nother post but then we turned to age. She keeps getting told to go older. I've had this convo w/Pri before and everyone knows my motto: OLD MEN GIVE YOU WORMS! LOL

But how old would you go? As a 30 year old woman, I'm told it shouldn't be a problem for me to date someone 40. For me this is a problem. My age range is 28-35. I joke and say I could raise someone but I know I ain't doing that. But anyway, I feel like 40 is too old. When a 40 year old tries to holla at me all I'm thinking is parent! And I'm thinking, ewww you pervert, I'm a girl and get your grown ass away from me. And don't let him try to holla at me in a club then I'm thinking, "what's your old ass doing in the club Bobby Brown!" (Bobby Brown is the code name Pri & I came up w/for an old Nig in the club) I know this sounds foolish cause I'm a grown ass woman but on the other hand the man was 10 before I was even a thought.

So what's your limit? How old is too old for you? Or is age just a number?


Tra said...

I think the oldest I could go is 35...5 yrs. I don't see me in the next decade. Not yet. That's my limit right now - 35. I know that I need to broaden my horizons w/men b/c the pickings are slim to none.

Ms. Dre said...

Funny, when i first read this... i thought it was coming from Tra! We're all starting to sound alike!

I agree tho, I think of people over 30 in my mom's bracket! Well my mom and I are only 16 years apart and we made a pack a few years back... if they man is closer to her age, she gets him... even if they approach me first. LOL And vice versa... altho, it doesn't always happen. She seems to have her own philosophy on men and age. She seems to think they never grow up, so it doesn't matter if they are 18, 28, 38 or 48... they are as grown at 18 as they will be at 48. I hope this is a joke, but she sure says it alot!

You all know I have finally found a keeper and am glad that I am out of the dating loop. No, it's not official... I don't have a ring yet, but hopefully sooner than later. He still has some time, but you all know you'll be one of the first to hear!

Misty said...

Well, I've dated a 41 year old. It was cool, though sometimes he did seem kinda "fatherly". I found I didn't open up as much to him as I normally do, and I don't know why, b/c I liked possibly it had to do with age. My child's father is 8 years my senior, and in his case, the age gap didn't/doesn't matter.

What I've found is that it depends on how he is as a person. Whether he's cool, fun to be around, dresses decent, looks younger, not taking Viagara, etc.

But my 41 year old did tell me that growing up, he was schooled that he should find a woman that is half his age + 7 as a rule of thumb...

Pri said...

I don't have a limit. Well, I do but age really is relative to me. I've dated older, younger, and my exact age and age has never played a direct role in the demise of our relationship. The two men that I've been so in love with have been age age and one 10 years old. The older man had entirely too much emotional baggage. He was too heartbroken to receive the love I was willing to give and he constantly compared our relationship to his prior relationships. I couldn't continue to try to show him that I wasn't. On the other end, the man my age was just too hung up on holding onto his youth. He was fun as hell when I was 21 years old, partying 4 days a week, and we were into the same thing, but 5 years later I grew up and he remained in the same place...kickin' it with the frat EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT (yes, he still does this to this day), unrealistic expectations of women, still not wanting to make a woman a priority. So, what's my limit? About 40, give or take a couple years. But I'm sure I'll wind up with somone 50 because older men seem to love me.