Monday, February 11, 2008

Here Comes The Bride...

I'll keep this short and sweet...

What do y'all think about destination weddings? Is it selfish of the couple to have a wedding that requires guests to pay to attend (travel, room, etc.)? What would be the deciding factors on whether or not you would attend one?


Tra said...

I guess it depends on how much money has to come out of my own pocket, how much time I have to save, would I have to bring a date,etc.

Les said...

I like going to destination weddings, it's a mini vacation. It can be expensive for people, however, not to sound materialistic (I guess that's the word I'm looking for) but the bride and groom shouldn't expect a great amount of gifts (monetary or otherwise). That might be the biggest disadvantage. What determines if I'm going....who's getting married, where's the destination and then how much (which might not be that bad at an all-inclusive).

Pri said...

Not at all! I think it's the Bride and Groom's day and they have the right to have whatever celebration they choose to. However, when you decide on a destination wedding you may need to prepare yourself for a low turnout. Personally, I know my family really won't be able to attend if I have a destination wedding but I would still have one. It is MY day and people are always going to have something to say about how you decided to plan your wedding. A girlfriend of mine and her husband initially decided on a destination wedding, but both of their families were against it. They then decided on a stateside wedding, but the groom's mother had the never to have an attitude because they didn't want to invite all of HER friends. So I say, do it the way you always envisioned it and call it a day.

Unknown said...

I say its your day and do you but agree with everyone else that you can probably expect a low turnout and little to no gifts.

I would go to a destination wedding but I would have to consider do I have the time, money, and where the destination was and who the person was that was getting married.