Thursday, April 3, 2008

Pregnant Man???

You've all probably seen it in the news lately, but what do you think about this Pregnant MAN story? Or should we really even be considering him a true male due to the fact that he was born a woman, and kept his female reproductive organs? Do you think the child being carried by this woman who is legally recognized as a man will have a negative impact on the child? Do you think the child will be medically messed up b/c of all the drugs and hormones the woman took in efforts to become a man?

Here's a snip of an article about it:

The story of a man who says that he is six months pregnant will tell his story to Oprah Windfrey today. The story of Thomas Beatie will also be in an exclusive article in People magazine.

ABC's Deborah Roberts reported that in the late 80s, Beattie was a feminine young woman. Today, Beatie, 34, turns heads.

He is legally recognized as a man and married to his wife of nearly five years, Nancy.

"They started a relationship as two women, Tracy as Thomas was then known, and Nancy," said Patrick Rogers, senior editor at People Magazine. "They had a lesbian relationship and then he began this transition from woman to man with hormones."

Beatie kept his reproductive organs, allowing him to conceive the couple's first baby.

The couple's story has registered everything from outrage to awe, with some wondering why he'd go to such trouble to become a man only to embrace something so symbolically female, Roberts reported.

"This is a child who may face the onslaught of the public and their opinions as to what a traditional family should be," said Dr. Jeffrey Gardere, a psychologist.

In the exclusive interview with People magazine, the father-to-be says even his own family has rejected the notion of a pregnant trans-man.

"Thomas' own brother has said that this child that he's carrying is going to be a monster," Rogers said.

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