Wednesday, April 23, 2008

You'll do what???

"I'll take your man, that's right just for spite cause you tried to diss me while I was on the mic. But I really don't want him, ya guy ain't fly shoot, he can't afford to buy a fila suit."--Salt n Pepa

Has anyone done this? Try to take someones man just because you could, just because you wanted to see if you had the juice? I know old school word but as you can see I'm feeling old school with the Salt n Pepa. Or has someone tried to take your man just because she thought she could?

Have you went after a man that was totally unavailable (married, engaged, serious relationship)?

I'm just being nosey...


Tra said...

I haven't done that since high school. But it wasn't ever intentional. Most of it happened when I first moved back to Lansing in '94 and wasn't aware of everyone's "status". Of course guys said they weren't in relationships and I ended up finding out much later. But I never set out w/that as a plan.

Now, as a grown ass woman, I want more for myself and I'm not willing to play #2 or share. Even now men lie but I can smell bullshit a mile away and I drop their asses...even when they still deny it. If my bullshit radar goes off, I'm O-U-T!

Pri said...

Now Mae, you know HU was off the chain! I just stopped doing stuff like this in the last 4-5 years. Sometimes I still want to do it just for something to do, but the desire isn't there like it used to be. I didn't do it for any real was just something to do. My attitude was: we're young, it's a boyfriend, not a husband so he should be able to do what he wants to do (and most of them did.) I didn't do it out of such a strong desire for the man as it was "winning." College was always full of men that had a woman, wanted you, thought you were going to decline the offer, but when you decided to accept it shocked them. Would I do it again? Probably not. It really was a thing of youth, but it was fun and I don't regret it. LOL

KeeraUnique said...

WOW!! Been there done it. Was I proud of what I did? (NO) However, it happened and now in the past. I know it will come back and bit me in the ass but hopefully not hard. Karma is a mutha. Anyways, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Did it for 5 years and finacially it was, but morally and mentally it wasnt. Now, I don't have time to waste or feeling to be played with. If they'll do it to them, they'll do it to you. HELLO!!