Wednesday, May 14, 2008

To Trip or not to Trip?

o.k. ladies, I was just offered a paid-for and much needed Island vacation during the holiday weekend. The problem is the guy and I are not romantically involved (anymore...). Would it be wrong to accept the trip knowing I will not be gettin physical with him. I explained to him that dessert would not be on the menu and he claims that's cool. However, I think he will expect me to change my mind. So, would it be foul for me to accept the trip? Honesty please.


Unknown said...

I say, expect to give up some ass or have a shitty ass trip. He's going to try to hit, that's the bottom line. He's like, she's saying no now but once we get on the beach, start acting like a couple, sleepin in the same room, I paid for this trip, she's going to give me some ass. That's exactly what he's thinking. I'll put my money on that and ya'll know I don't like to gamble.

So, though he says he cool with and the trip is "free", please believe he's going to try to get some and when you don't give it to him he's going to be mad and you're going to be mad because your thinking: I told this mofo I wasn't giving him no ass so why is he asking and faking like he didn't know the deal???
But really, you should know the deal.

So I say, only go if you feel like putting up with the B.S. that is sure to come.

Miss Z said...

Ughh! I was afraid you'd say that. I really need a vacation...hell after all of the drama he caused, he owes me damnit!

Pri said...

Don't go if you don't plan to hump him. Men don't put forth a lot of effort for anything and always have a motive.

Now, for the details on the drama? LOL

Mrs. Angel said...

I hope its okay to comment. I'm not part of your crew but find your blogs interesting. I think it depends on if you've given him some before. Plus if you were upfront and he has caused drama in the past this may be a guilt trip (no pun intended). He may be trying to make up for the drama and get back in your good graces. Now he is a man so expect him to test the waters but as long as you were up front and haven't said no and ended up yes with your panties hanging from the lampshade then I say go.

Misty said...

Well Z...I've been here before, and I completely agree with Mae & Pri.
Before my trip I repeatedly reminded him that nothing was going down. He acted cool & pretended to understand. I got there & he obviously forgot! I requested two beds in the room...but "they were all sold out"...and you guessed it, as soon as the lights went out, he was like an octopus!
I haven't cussed anyone out that bad in awhile. That completely soured our trip. I was so disgusted, and I'm sure he was
Later when I asked why did he try when we had that discussion previously, his response was that he wanted to test and see.
So for me, I'll never go on a trip w/ a man again expecting not to give it up...unless I'm paying...

Ms. Dre said...

Sorry I"m soo late! But what did you deicede?

Assuming you already gave it to him once, i would say he'll expect it again. But let us know the scoop!

Anonymous said...

For an ISLAND trip....I thikn he truely thinks that DESSERT is a packaged deal....hahaha Hope it works out to YOUR liking...

Anonymous said...

I wouldnt go unless you two have been in a situation before where things could or should have happened and they didnt. Because i will only invite someone real special to experience that. Also unless i knew something there was waiting or you wouldnt trip if i did get my groove on there then hey go have a good time. But i can say something about the island that will make me come at you over and over again.