Thursday, August 28, 2008

For or Against Michelle's Speech???

For those of you who watched and heard Michelle Obama's speech the opening night of the Democratic Convention, what did you think about it? I've heard quite a few different opinions on both sides of the fence. While watching, I felt like she did a good job, and I felt proud of her as not only a woman, but as a black woman. But my boyfriend was pissed the whole time during her speech. He was mad she spent so much time talking about her brother, her dad, and her family as a whole. He said it almost came off cocky b/c we didn't need to hear about her, we needed to hear about Barack, the issues, and what part and role her and her husband planned to play in leading our nation. He said she wasted a great opportunity to sway some of our "on the fence" people & get votes.

I didn't see it his way, and afterwards, many of the major networks aired people making the same comments as my boyfriend, sending a lot of backlash her way.

So just wondering, are you For or Against Michelle's Speech???


Unknown said...

I didn't get a chance to see her speech but I do plan on watching it.

I heard the speech was phenomnal.

Not having heard it though I can only add this bit of two cents: She's not running for president, her husband is. Her purpose may have been to connect with women and people in general on a humanistic family level. We didn't see Laura Bush giving speeches on the issues when George W. Bush was elected nor are we seeing Candy McCain give those types of speeches either. That's not her role.

And who knows, her strong beliefs in family and the conveyence of those beliefs possibly swayed people who do hold those same beliefs.

I think men are just more prone to see things in a black and white, this is business kind of way. But I believe that Obama's campaign has a stragety and one that seems to be winning. If Michele's purpose was to go out there and speak about the issues, she would've, that obviously was not her intended purpose.

Now I gotta go see that speech.

Ms. Dre said...

I did see most of the speech and I thought she did an awesome job! I was very impressed with how she had the crowd going, you could really see emotions in the people and I tired up a little. It gave me a feeling that we really are going to see change and that America is ready and willing to give them (Obama fam) a chance.

I didn't watch the entire speech, so I can't comment on how Jay's man felt, but I do beleive that Michelle was trying to let people see them as regular people. I felt she did that and while explaining her and Barak's family history, i think she offered the American people a chance to see them as regular people that others can identify with and understand. I didn't feel astho this was a total political speech and I think this is why I watched it as long as I did.

I think Michelle did a great job and I loved how the daughters came out... it was all very touching, cute and american family like. This is something America needed to see and hear.

Now I'm bummed cuz I missed Barak's speech last night! I know I know... terrible!! So someone please forward me the link so I can listen to that cuz I know one of you is about to post about that too... I love you chicks!!

Misty said...

Don't feel bad Andi, I missed it too! I was dead tired though! My mom was mad at me b/c of

I've gotta watch it too...heard it was great though.