Thursday, August 14, 2008

Is it really worth it???

Many of us have faced the higher degree dilemma...Get one or not? But does it really pay off? Does getting your Masters, that Law or Medical degree ensure you all the things you are wanting (better position, higher salary, etc.)? Is that extra debt really worth it?

Just wondering...I hear people on both sides of the fence so I was wondering what you all thought...


Unknown said...

I think a higher degree is definitly worth it. I think if you want to see an increase in your earning potential add that extra paper.

Does it always matter? No. Can you get a higher position with out a Masters, JD or MD? Probably so but how long will it take you to get there?
My old boss used to say to me all the time, I make what a junior attorney makes. My reply would always be that's great but the difference is, it took you 20+ years to do so, it took a junior attorney 7 years (undergrad + law school).

Another example, my younger sister was working for sprint as a buyer. Alot of workers there had certificate or were grandfathered in but when they merged w/Nextel, Nextel required that a lot of their employees had a 4 year degree. No they didn't fire those people w/out one but they couldn't get certified for certain things w/out one.

Further, a higher degree is also higher esteem. Not that I'm a "label" person but when I see JD, MD, MSW, MBA,Ph.d, Ed.d behind someones name, admittedly I'm impressed.

I also think that getting a higher degree is also based on what you want to accomplish personally. I didn't go to law school b/c I thought I want people to see me in a certain light but I wanted to do it for me and it was a goal that I always wanted to reach. But I ain't going to lie, the money that may come with it is also a incentive as well.

Some careers don't require a higher degree but I do believe there are always ways to enhance your skill and knowledge base, therefore, increasing your earnings and your bargaining power when you are negotiating salary at your old job or trying to get a new job.

Hell, one of my friends just had to take an exam to get a certification for interior design, she has her B.A. in it. But again, another way to show that you are worth what you are asking for, even though she's been in the business for awhile.

Its always nice to have something extra to back you up. Cause really when it comes to you and the person with the higher degree, who do you think its going to be?

Tra said...

I agree w/Mae...its about personal preference and mostly, your career goals. I never considered Grad school but a friend went and completed her degree in 12 months. Those 12 months went by so fast that I decided to try out the accelerated program as well. I can't lie, I didn't have another 2 years in me so all that I could do was 1 more.

But, now that I'm starting to progress in my career, I've found that alot of companies will not hire marketing professionals w/o an MBA. I'm finding that I need a advanced degree to progress further.

I'm also proud of myself for accomplishing an advanced degree b/c it showed me that despite all of the obstacles in my life and the individuals who doubted me, I could complete something once I focused hard enough. It wasn't about proving other's wrong, it was more or less, believing in myself and worth. So, in my situation, it did something for my self esteem.

Now I'm researching online courses so that I can be certified in other aspects of marketing and business. Anything to help me progress and make more money.

Ms. Dre said...

This is a really good question. I have contemplated getting my masters and I must admit, I go back and forth. I hate to read and study, but I feel like I need something else in my life. Like there is more to do. To be honest I'm still kinda shocked I got the Bachelor's LOL!

However, where i'm at now and the position I currently have a masters degree wouldn't do me any good. It would be a waste of money and increased debt. But this is working for the State. If I wanted to go back to the private industry, i think a masters would be very beneficial and I could get more money. I may still go get that degree one day. BUT what I'm really kinda of thinking... is maybe go back to school for a different degree, maybe in nutrition or healthy lifestyles. Just thinking about what I see my future as... with a family, I think I'll want to have more flexibility and be able to be home with kids. So I'm leaning towards going back for something, just not sure what...

Pri said...

I'd say yes. These days Bachelor Degrees come a dime a dozen so who really cares that you made that first 4-year committment. I honestly do not think I would have gotten my current job without my MBA. Unfortunately, at one point people here looked at me and automatically judged me. I've had people bring things to me for my former supervisor thinking I'm his secretary. Or people trying to explain things to me like I didn't get past the 9th grade. But I think my education has put in the "room with the right people" so often that I had a chance to talk with many higher ups that they eventually saw that their perception was wrong.

Also, I've negotiated salaries based on my experience and education and I only once have I been declined the salary I requested.