Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Steve McNair...

What y'all think about this? I'm so irritated with him right now... Sorry he lost his life, but it's always hard to truly feel sorry for someone that gets into trouble when they are doing wrong. You are freaking married dude!!! Cheating with a 20 yr old waitress that isn't even hot? Come on now... I feel saddened for the wife and kids. My emotions would be all over the place with this one...MEN, I tell ya!!!


Unknown said...

With all do respect for human life and I do respect human life, I find myself coming real close to saying that's what his ass gets. No, he shouldn't have had to die in such a horrific manner. But like someone pointed out, if you want to be single get a divorce. Now, this man is dead b/c he couldn't keep his stuff in his pants??? Really dude, you just died over some p*ssy??? Cause you couldn't keep your hands out of someone else's hot pocket??? Now, your sons have to know that you died blatantly cheating on their mother. Wow, I'm sure SHE wasn't worth it nor was he ever planning on leaving his wife.
I'm just disgusted with the whole thing. And very sorry for his wife and children.

Zulu said...

Its sad that dude had to go out like Willie Lump Lump, but when you lay with pigs you can get sh@t on... or something like that.

Steve was wrong for steppin outside his marriage, but he didn't deserve death. I spoke with young lady about it and she was thoroughly convinced he got what he deserved. It almost went into a heated argument because she insisted I was a cheat because I disagreed. I don't believe anyone's life should be taking for something so small and irrelevant.

I agree that if you want to be single you should get a divorce, but like almost anything else.. its easier said than done. Having your cake and eating it too.. IS THE BEST!!

But at the end of the day.. he was wrong, she was wrong and they are both dead.