Sunday, November 18, 2007

I need some help...

When I was 25, I decided that at 30 I would go natural. I had been wanting to do it prior to now, but it seems like 30 is a such a defining moment in life. For the past 6 months, I've been going through some hair issues. It's still very healthy, although I don't think it's growing, but between my hair dresser rescheduling my appointments, 3-4 hour weekly standing appointments, the chaotic environment of her salon, and not to mention looking at the money I spend, it's really been waying heaving on my heart and on my mind. Right now I'm I'm about 6 weeks out from my next touch up and I think I just want to let it go at this point. I’m trying to decide if I should just cut it all off in a little Willis after about 5-6 months or grow it out and cut the relaxed ends off gradually. I’m leaning closer to the latter so this is where you ladies come in. I don’t know how to wear it during that time. I’ve been told that I'm very much a "hair" person and really connected to it. By connected I mean very cognizant of how it looks at all times and extremely mindful of it's state and the products being used. I'm the person that instructs the stylist's assistant at the salon--EVERY WEEK--on what to use on my hair, how much to use, etc. Now, I understand that I do have to have patience during this process, but I do want to be comfortable and still look pulled together while going through the process. I’ve seen the growing out process put some women on the strife until all of the hair is the one texture. I don’t want to be on the strife, but I need ideas on how to wear my hair. I like cute cornrows (in moderation), but don’t want to grow bored. I don’t do individual or microbraids at all and not about to start. Once it grows out I know I can wear it pressed (which I will probably do 25% of the time), individual twist, afro puff, cornrows, flat twists, straw sets, and many other cute styles. But for the interim, I need some idea so please give me some suggestions.
(p.s. pic taken last night celebrating my homegirls 30th!!)


Tra said...

You know I'm all about taking care of my "'do". :)

I'm not sure about going natural. That's not anything I've ever strived to do so I've never put the time into researching it. But, what you can do, is go to that forum I had you join b/c there are a ton of women on there either going through the process or they've already gone through the process.

Good luck on your journey!

KeeraUnique said...

I dont know it you all know but, I havent had a perm in about 12 years. I have totaly went back natural besides the hair color. Its ok sometimes but then at times I wish I had a perm. Considering I like wearing my natural hair and love my hair color, however, When I want a different look I can always get a fly sew in. Actually I would love to try the Lace front wigs that all the celebs are wearing. Tyra, B, and many others. So Pri I say do what you want and how you feel. Change is better.

Tra said...

I have a lacefront...hard to put on but I think if I concentrated on it hard enough, I could get it. Just don't have the patience but I was wearing wigs at one point....they have some nice ones out there that you can have your stylist fix up so that it has a more "natural" look. So that's an idea you could use while growing out your relaxer

Pri said...

I can probably do a sewn in. I hadn't really thought about that until Keera mentioned it. Keera what did you do to grow it out? Did you just stop touching it up? How did you wear it during that time?

Misty said...

I'm natural as well. Haven't had a perm in about 5 years. The ceramic flat iron is what converted me... And I also wear color, and refuse to have it and perm in my hair. You can do it Pri...don't know about the Little Willis

Unknown said...

I think you should go w/letting your hair grow out and clipping it as it grows out. I don't think you will like the little willis.

You know when I went natural I rocked cornrows for a minute, then I was obsessed w/the straw set and afro puffs.

Yeah, don't cut it all off at once do it gradually. I think you'll like being natural again.

I love it. I've been natural for bout 6 years now.

Pri said...

I just got off the phone with my hair stylist and the assistant. The stylist said "Yeah, you've been saying that for about 6 months" and told me to talk to my stylist. She told me to get braids or a sewn in weave. I know I'm not going to do well with either so I asked her if we could try to flat iron it while cutting off an inch for every inch of new growth and she said that is a possibility as well. I still have some weeks before I have to worry about my hair's condition, but I am mentally preparing myself (this time) for this. This isn't the first time I've tried to do this, but it's the first time I actually have a plan for how I want to wear my hair and what my hair goals are. I'm not against relaxers or any chemical for that matter, but my hair grows faster and thicker in it's natural state and I want my hair to grow as long as it possibly can right now. Who knows, in 2 years I may want a 1994Halle Berry. Then I can just go back to getting touchups.