Tuesday, November 20, 2007

What do YOU know for sure?

30 has just been profound for me. So many answers that I've been looking for have miraculously been found this year. It is sort of like when Adam and Eve ate from the Tree of Life and suddenly realized they were naked. So many things have become crystal clear. I hve always read the "What I Know For Sure" section of O Magazine and used to try to think about what I absolutely knew for sure, but couldn't think of anything definite. So I asked Mae about 2-3 years ago, "What do you know for sure?" She said "I don't know. I think you gotta be about 40 to know something for sure. " I laughed because I thought the statement was hilarious, but that one statement also jumpstarted my fearlessness for growing older. I couldn't wait to get some age on me so too could have a true perception on something. Well, I'm not 40 but guess what? I KNOW SOMETHING FOR SURE!! Wanna hear it, here it go.

  • I know that your health is 20% exercise and diet and 80% outlook on life.

  • I know that you cannot worry about another person's finances if it doesn't affect you.

  • I know that you can't make ANYONE--mother, father, sibling, chidren, girlfriends, or lover--love you the way you want to be loved.

  • I know that there will be few times in life when I do exactly what I want to do; I'll do what I have to do.

  • I know that it is sometimes safer to lie.

  • I know that even as a grown woman, you will have a perfectly good reason why you may have to kick someone's ass (hopefully you won't have to act on it).

  • I know that the word love should not be allowed to be used in the past tense; Love isn't something that just disappears.

  • I know that you really should be careful what you ask for.

  • I know that it is realistic (and probably more adventageous) to retire more than once in your life.

  • I know that effective parenting is possible in non-traditional families.

  • I know more than ever that God truly is in control of this entire outfit.

  • I know that being the eldest child is hard work.

  • I know that knowledge is power.

  • I know that ovulation dates are pretty accurate.

  • I know that Blacks are not as lazy as the world has made us out to be; People forget that CULTURE has a lot to do with work ethic and outlook on life--NOT COLOR OF SKIN.

  • I know that every person should get a trade; This pertains to doctors, engineers, lawyers, social workers, and teachers as well.

  • I know that male companionship/interaction (not necessarily romantically involved) is a must for all females.

  • I know that the best benefit a job can give is health and dental coverage.

  • I know that family curse(s) are real.

  • I know that men aren't as forgiving as women.

  • I know that people appreciate when you are you 100% of the time, no matter how much they may dislike/like the person you are.

  • I know that "fine" is hard to keep up.
  • I know that rap music does not have an age limit.

Now tell me, what do you know for sure?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I remember having that conversation! I've learned a few things since. I know for sure...

The one constant in life is change!

Apologizing is hard to do.

That you shouldn't wait for someone to say sorry in order to move on with your life.

That old men may not give you worms but I still don't like them!

That fear is one of then things that can stop you from being and doing your best.

I know for sure I have a lot more to learn.