Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Ya'll know how I get these brain farts...

I'm watching Gotti's new reality show and start thinking about all the reality shows that Hip Hop artist have had over the past year or so. Do any of you ever think about how reality shows will change Urban culture? Really, do you think this will be the catalyst that will change some of the negative aspects of Black culture. I'm hoping it changes it for the better, but who knows if it will have an effect at all. I'm hoping that young men will start to see these artists for the humans they are, the men or women they are, and learn something about how to deal with real life rather than that golden life we all see in magazines and hear in the music. I'm hoping that some 24 year old young man will want to pattern himself after the father and husband Rev. Run is. I want more young women to see the relationship between Salt, Pepa, and Spin and try to work through differences with their girlfriends. I want people to look at Keyshia Cole's family and really see the effect that drugs plays on an entire family and hopefully everyone in that family makes a change. Maybe Kimora can bring out the Fabulosity in all women. Who knows?


KeeraUnique said...

Well this is true. People seem to forget that no on is exempt from trails and tribulations. We look at these celebs and all these reality TV shows and be like, "Dang I wish I were them." However we only see the glits and glam and not the underlying hidden emotional, physical, and psyhological issues these people are going thru or have been thru. However, we must remember that we all are not exempt form making one bad decision (which my cost us our freeedom or life), or one check away from being homeless and on the streets. Being realistic, how many people have 6months of savings put up for emegency purposes? I that god for what I have and never take for granted what he has given me so far.

Unknown said...

I think that's too much hope for a reality show. Honestly, how many people are watching reality tv trying to receive the moral message? Not many. People aren't watching Salt N Pepa for the healing but they want to know the drama behind it. People aren't watching Gotti because they want to see him relate to his family but to see how many groupie's, bling and whatever else he's flashing. Do I really think people will get a message of change and aspiration from reality tv? No. Do I think they will see Kimora's "diva" ways and not realize this is a business woman whose worked hard for what she has and that's why she expects perfection? No. But do I believe people will watch and think I deserve to behave that way too because I am who I am even though I don't do shit all day but be my mediocre self? Yes. I don't think reality television is bad. I love watching Salt N Pepa cause I'm a huge Salt N Pepa fan and I want to see them on tour. And I ain't gonna lie, I watch Gotti cause I wanted to see what the hell Ja Rule's been up too and how Gotti pulled himself up out of that not guilty verdict. And I watch I Love New York for the straight buffonary! Hell, I need a mental break from my reality sometimes. It would be nice if people took away all the positives from some of these shows and applied it to their lives but honestly I think people are watching it for ENTERTAINMENT only!

And no my ass ain't got 6 months of savings. I'm a broke college student. Isn't it funny how easy it is to slip into ebonics?

And Keera can I borrow a $1?! LOL

Pri said...

I think it's too ambitious to think that it will be the sole purpose of the show, but I'm sure someone will get something other than entertainment from it. We are a colorful people and like I joke with Jess all the time, we learn differently (I will get into that later on how I think the public school system needs to be revamped). The lesson you learn doesn't have to be from your own experience.