Friday, December 21, 2007

Cruise Control

Ya’ll know how this starts, I was having a conversation, and my friend and I were talking about being complacent. I was saying how sometimes I felt like I wasn’t doing all I could do to chase my dreams. Sometimes I feel like I’m just doing the minimum. For instance, I’ve always wanted to go to law school. So, I make that happen. But when I get there, I’m like cool, I got here, I’m good and I just kind of sit back and chill. My grades have been decent but have they been what they could be if I wasn’t wasting my time doing senseless shit? Not even close. I try to blame it on getting bored easy, and while that could be part of it, I also believe that sometimes I get lulled into mediocrity (sleeping when I could be studying, talking on the phone, watching T.V., basically anything to keep me being basic).

But here’s the thing, I know I’m not a mediocre woman. I know what I’m capable of when I’m running towards NOT walking towards my dreams. I know what its like to really hustle for what I want and say, “Fuck the world ‘cause I’m doing me.” Now, it doesn’t always have to be that hardcore because there can be balance but I guess at 30, I know I can’t walk I have to run towards what I want.

I feel like Toni Child’s, “I specialize in results” (Get up on your Girlfriends game) and the results I specialize in are ME. I’m trying to gain a focus that I haven’t had before because I know what I do when I’m working at my lowest level, so watch out for me when I’m working at my highest. I’m trying to separate myself from the pack. This isn’t about money this is about not having any regrets. I don’t ever want to be that broad that didn’t try, that sat back and watched while other people participated, I’ve never been a sit back kind of person anyway but sometimes I slip.

We always hear about someone having the potential to be great. I hate the saying, “He has so much potential.” People see this as a compliment but I see it like this: while potential can be a good thing, you have to realize that potential can potentially fuck up.

I always here a ton of excuses from people of why they can’t do something, but then they want to sit on the phone with me for an hour and talk about some bullshit. I tell you what Kat Williams said it best, “If you talking the same shit you was talking last year, then we really ain’t got shit to talk about.” (I believe I’m paraphrasing but ain’t that some righteous shit?) Yo, I’ve been right there with whomever trying to figure out what some Dude is talking about, what Dude may be thinking etc. I’m telling you it’s a waste of your fucking time and a bigger waste of my time. All the time we trying to Davinci Code this man’s mind could’ve been spent on making some shit happen. If you clever enough to play cloak and dagger with a man then you clever enough to figure out how you can do what you need to do to live your dreams. There’s nothing wrong with a little girl talk ‘cause the shit can be fun but on the hand I’ma grown ass woman and I like to talk about grown things and if the convo is strictly limited to what the hell a man is thinking, doing etc, I’m hanging up. I mean I’ve had enough of these conversations, 13-30 is plenty years to have talked about some of the same men bullshit we talk about. Don’t get me wrong, I like talking bout the new dude in someone’s life, I’m there for my girls as they are for me when dude fucks up but after awhile there’s only so much my ass is just going to listen too. Okay I’ma stop ‘cause that’s going to turn into a different post. My bottom line: let’s stop wasting time.

All I’m saying is this, if you have a dream that you haven’t given your all too then you need to go after it. If you want to go back to school-GO! If you want to make more money you may have to change your damn job! You may have to give up that boss that you super tight with and be a little uncomfortable for a minute. Whatever it is don’t sideline yourself, step outside of your box. I know I don’t want to be at someone’s plantation but if I have to be there I need to be maximizing my dollar potential. (Shout out right now to my girls who know how to get that done—ya’ll know who you are—I wanna be ya’ll one day! LOL)


Ya’ll thought I was going to talk about cars, huh?


Pri said...

Yes! This hit home with me. All the time I'm "trying" to get one thing or another started and just never seem to completely get it out of the blocks. I don't make resolutions, but I'm definitely trying to get my game up and finish things that I've started.

Ms. Dre said...

Excellent blog to start 2008 with!!

I love that I have so many ambitious friends that love life and hate the bullshit!! I hate when you get stuck on the phone with a silly friend who is trying to figure out if thier man is cheating or is worth her time... if you have to sit and contemplate that shit, then duhhh... he's cheatin and he is a waste of time. point blank, but I think I said something like this before, if you have reason to question if your man is cheating then 99.98% of the time he is!

Now Mae has a very valid point, that I totally agree with... why would a woman (grown ass) put so much time and energy into analyzing a man and not on better themselves and going after their dreams???

I think sometimes woman get caught up in the man hunt, think a man is gonna get them where they want to be. But the reality is that you have to get yourself to where you want to be and then the right man will fall into place. A good man who has their shit together, wants a good woman who also has their shit together. You can have all the potential in the world, but if you don't do shit with that 'potential' or have the motivation to get off your ass and suck it up... you might as well not have shit. (i.e. potential to shit)

However, 2008 should not be about any man, or anyone else but yourself!! I mean this is the most postive way... get up get out and get somethin! Sorry that just came out, BUT for real... life is too short, life is great, living is the greatest gift we have. I am coming up on the b-day of a friend who would be 33, she was my big sister, I guess she would equal a soror... we lived in a house together for about 4 years in college. She died from cancer 2years ago, she fought for every breathing moment... she never lost motivation for life and self improvement. She was home, fighting cancer, raising a son (now is 5) AND got her Masters Degree... wtf is that about???? Now give me an excuse for not getting to where you need/want to be.

How strong does a woman have to be to accomplish a great life? WE can be as strong and ambitious as any man or any race. To be a strong (single or not) woman chasing after your dreams is probably one of the most attractive things a human being can do... not only will you attract postive, self motivated people; you will feel great while chasing your dreams.

Sometimes we have to start with babysteps, sometimes it feels impossible, if you keep on keepin on... you will get there and 2008 will be great!

I LOVE you girls, thanks for never loosing focus!!

Pri said...

When I look at people like your friend that passed, it makes me know that I can do more. She was doing a lot knowing that there was a possibility that she wouldn't make it. Her untimley death also further shows me that life is not promised and not one minute should be wasted. I'm quick to tell someone "I don't have time for that" or "Don't waste my time with this," but those words are going to start being less empty. Life is what you make and I truly refuse to live a life of mediocracy. Until 2004, I was always actively chasing a structured goal and I think now is the time to fulfill some of those "other" dreams that I now have. I have never been average and now is not the time for me to start.

Tra said...


That was VERY good!

Unknown said...

Andi, PREACH, gurl! You hit the nail on the head.

Don't forget that your supposed to cook me dinner! LOL