Saturday, December 8, 2007

Dating Topic 1001...

Recently, I was talking to one of my friends and she was telling me about a guy that she was interested in. Long story short, she heard he was into playing video games. Right off the bat, that was a for lack of a better term "red flag" for her. My initial reaction surprised me cause admittedly I am the first to say, "Oh Hell Naw" to a myriad of things. But my advice to her was: What's wrong with a man having interest. Hell, if he has the Wii play it with him cause that shit looks fun!

A few years ago I would've told my friend to abort her interest without her even getting to know him better. He would've been a "Tigga" (A man who lives in his momma's basement or has those slacker ass ways) but this isn't always the case.

I'm not saying get with the man who plays 15 hours a day but if that's his way to decompress or just what he's interested in then why not give the brother a chance?

I say all this to say, that sometimes we as women, put so many stipulations on a man that we wind up by ourselves and then wonder why. I'm not saying lower your standards but you could turn what you see as a negative into a positive. And playing video games w/him may be a great way to have some quality time (and you know dude will have some strong fingers! *wink* LOL).

So what will you do the next time you meet a video gamer or a "flaw" that you think you can't get over? Will you Wii?


Pri said...

See, I can say that I have stopped many developments of a relationship dead in its tracks for minor flaws that could have been overlooked. Videogames do not bother me as long as it's simply a pasttime. I watch a lot of TV out of boredom and habit, but I wouldn't do it as much if I had more things going on. Although it does get in the way of work (up late watching it and can't get up), I wouldn't let it get in the way of a relationship. Now, I did have a boyfriend that was late coming to pick me up from the airport because he was playing his Play Station. We were 21 and while I was mad that he was late, I didn't look at it as an issue. However, at this stage of the game I would reassess the relationship.

It's funny you said that Wii looks fun/ I saw something on TV yesterday that showed one of tennis games that was being played. I called my sister last night and told her we have to figure out how to get one in the family because I want to play.

Tra said...

Yall know my shallow ass is always passing on "potential" b/c I have to always find something wrong with someone. "he's too light", "he's too short" "he doesn't make enough money", etc. But as I've gotten older, and realize I'm still single, I have to learn to look pass the bullshit and give a guy a chance. Those aren't even serious issues...lets try "he has 5 kids w/5 different women" or "he smokes crack"....LOL
Now those are serious, NO, I wouldn't let a guy pass based on the fact he plays video if he doesn't take his ass to work our is lacking in other areas b/c of it...then it's an issue.

Ms. Dre said...

I think Tra is on point on this one. If the games takes up too much time, interferes with dates, plans and especially work... it's an issue. Most woman have things we like to do, so it's good that the man has something he likes too.. just not too much, on either end.

Misty said...

As long as my needs are being met, his bills are being paid, and I don't see a dent in his sofa from him constantly sitting in that one spot...We are all good...

But as soon as I start getting ignored, told "Later babe", etc....There's gonna be TROUBLE, TROUBLE!!!