Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Brown skin v. lady lumps...

According to the media, black women are facing a dilemma, and are in a power position politically to pick, either the first black president or the first female president. So what's a lady to do? I for one, am voting skin first. Not to say that I haven't scoped out the issues and tried to figure out who stood for what I stood for, and not to say that I don't support Hilary as a woman. However, as a black person, I'm more attached to my blackness. Yes, I'm a woman, but I'm black first, woman second. Further, as a friend pointed out, with the fluidity of sexual identity these days, it is easy to go from he to she, she to he, or be a shemity (he/she). It is not so easy to, contrary to the way Michael Jackson looks, to turn yourself from black to white.

Though I believe, both Hilary and Barack, would move this country in a positive direction, I stand for Barack Obama. I feel like when I'm voting for him, I'm voting for the package, black man, black wife, black kids, and that represents me.

Who represents you?


Anonymous said...

Thanks Tam for adding my inquiry. Until now being black & a woman have gone hand-in-hand for me. I think while strides have been made for women, we have more to go as in the case of being black (in America). I think if Barack was a black woman running, he would not be as far in the campaign race. I think it is still a racist and misogynistic world but America as it relates to race is a different animal in itself. So for many, race does trump sex. This is all to say, I am still debating who to vote for. I was excited to have Barack as our senator and didn't expect it to possibly come to an end so soon :) So we shall see!

Pri said...

Now I can say that in the beginning of this race, my vote was not being pushed by color or sex. I was more drawn in to Hilary because I was a huge supporter of the First Generation Clinton Administration and I expected, foolishly, for Hilary's Administration to follow as her family predecessor. However, because this has been such a dirty campaign trail for the Democrats I have been delving more into the person (not simply the platform) to find out what their personal morals and values are. I will say that I have at times felt a little "guilty" for not supporting Obama 100% because I my color will always ascend my sex and maybe I should vote accordingly. But then again nothing about politics has ever been comfortable or cut and dry. I am glad, however, that this time around black women do have REAL options. We are always the least focused group in campaigning and this is the first time in my voting history that I really see us having options. The candidates know that WE are the commodity and they need to really court us if they want our vote.