Thursday, March 27, 2008

One man's opinion on how you can show you love your husband/significant other

I found this on a forum I belong was written by a man about what he thinks about his woman and what makes her a "good" woman or his ideal woman.

I know that most of us are pretty much single (not married), and I know speaking for myself, I barely have any of these qualities (do you think its b/c I haven't met the right one????) especially when it talks about being independent. I don't throw it in a man's face, but I surely let him know up front he's not needed which I know scares them away and probably makes them feel like shit.

We are always complaining about what a man doesn't do for us but do we ever consider what are we doing for them? I know I'm personally quick to ASK/TAKE but not as quick to GIVE. Now I'm wondering if I need to be more mindful. As I'm maturing, I realize that being sweet to your man and doing things for him doesn't make me weak or stupid...I guess its all about balance. My biggest issue is that I'm not an affectionate person.

What do you guys think, do you think this man's ideal "perfect" woman exists in you and do you see yourself have these traits? I know whoever wrote this better be one hell of a man!

Disclaimer: I know this is only ONE man's view, but most of the time, "they" think alike :)

A man is in heaven with his woman when

Every time your eyes meet her facial expression instantly changes to a smile...

You always catch glimpses of her watching your every move with a look of awe even when you are doing something as simple as driving...

When you get home at the end of the day and are about to get in bed, you notice that she has put, or is putting your cell phone on the charger and you never once had to ask her - ever...

What ever you do, no matter how big or small, a gentle but helpful hand is always extended to help you...You fell a warm gentle touch on your back at any random time in the night or a regular soft kiss on your back...

Whenever you touch her - even in the slightest way - you always hear a coo or a sigh from her and her face lights up into a smile...

Constant joy and laughter...

Constant encouragement...

Love and support that does not waiver...

No matter how hard the times (and they are right now) never a single complaint but only the reassurance that all will be OK, we will make it work and she is here for me no matter what happens - and it is never any different - ever...

A soft gentle tone of reverence in her voice that is only reserved for me, not even the kids (theirs is a bit different - mine is the softest ) it is a tone that only I hear from her and it lets me know that everything is OK, and I am careful to make sure it never changes as that tone is directly connect to her emotions and the balance she has with me - if her tone ever changes, even in the slightest way, I am very concerned and ask what is wrong - and I work to fix it immediately...

When you have an occasional disagreement or misunderstanding, respect is never breached - at all - no cursing but pure respect - and she is a strong independent black woman (well she was until she let me come in and take the lead in her life, not she is a woman under her man's authority - just the way she has always wanted it to be - independence for her is something you have to be when you don't have a good man in your life - not a banner of pride to attack a man with)...

When you ask her how you look, or is your hair to long, she says she can't tell the difference because you always look good to her...

When she looks at you with her head tilted sideways, with a childlike grin, and calls you handsome - even when you know you look like crap and don't deserve it (that is real love)...

When she makes you feel like the most important thing in her life every moment of everyday...

When as much as she loves her kids, which she truly does - she still manages to put you first as her man...

A woman like this is heaven on earth for a good man.


Unknown said...

Is this a poem your wrote or something?

Tra said...

I'm no where near this talented...and shoot, I don't have ANY of these traits LOL LOL

Pri said...

Is this actually someone else's thoughts? I got cussed out about writing anything that wasn't my thoughts, opinions, or ideas, but ain't nobody cussin now.

Ms. Dre said...

Okay, you KNOW my in love A$$ had to comment on this! lol
I honestly think that when you find that man, the one you want to keep... some of these traits just come naturally. It was funny cuz I know i do some of these things, I catch myself watching my man admiring him, i often kiss his back in the middle of the night, =85% of the time i 'worry' about dinner becuz i want him to have a good meal, he is always on my mind and i do feel happy, satisfied and all kinds of mushy stuff i didn't realize before I had inside of me. I often find myself hoping that he is studying while i'm gone, so that I dont' distract him when i'm home... or i try to do the extra stuff around the house so he doesn't have to feel like he has to, just becuz I want to support and encourage him to finish college.

Don't get me wrong, we disagree on somethings but it's never a real fight or an arguement. It usually ends with agreeing to disagree. We try to see and understand eachother's points, but sometimes that is all we can do.

I know I had some of these characteristics before, but mostly no.. I did me and took care of what I wanted to. I'm not sure I would feel this way about anyone else.. I think it has to do with realizing that you got what you want and it's great so let's make sure it stays that way.

Tra said...

You know what, Andi, with the way you wrote it...I had to think again...I do find that with my current man, I do find myself doing some of the things that you mentioned - always wanting to make sure he's ok/happy. I guess I was taking what the man said literally and trying to apply myself to it LOL Whereas my prior relationship (Jay) I didn't care if he ate, came home, nothing.....but he always was that way with me..I always say I will probably never find someone that loved me as hard as he did (with his crazy self), just unfortunate the feeling wasnt' mutual :)

Tra said...
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