Monday, July 28, 2008


Pri posted this on our site in the group for Singles. I thought it was a great topic, so wanted to put it out here for us to comment on...

"The problem with you young women have loyalty of a wife when you're not one." I recently heard this statement and and it speaks volumes. It has been something that I've seen many of my single friends (and myself) struggle with through many relationships. Does that mean loyalty in reference to being monogamous with one person? Or does it mean referring to the Sally Homemaker tasks that we take on in relationships (ex. cleaning, cooking, putting credit on the line, etc.) for whichever person we happen to be seeing at any given time?

Todays' society is acceptable of many living arrangments and dating styles--blended families, co-habitatin, joint accounts (without marriage), etc--and the desire and "need" for marriage isn't what it was in the past. I'm sure not everyone's take on marriage or desire for marriage, but what exactly is too loyal when you're single?


Unknown said...

One thing that this topic brings to mind is this saying: Don't start a relationship off one way if you don't want it to continue that way. If you are cooking, cleaning, and grabbing your ankles in hopes of marriage, its the wrong reason to be doing those things. Because the likelihood of you continuining those things is probably zilch.

I had a roommate who used to come home from school & work, and cook and clean, make plates, pick up socks, go grocery shopping, buy her man sh*t all in the hopes of making that man hers, while all he did was lay in the bed. She used to get real frustrated and complain that he wasn't doing much and eventually she chilled out on what she was doing. You know what he did? Got another woman! LOL

I think that if you are doing these things b/c you want to appear to be the ideal woman then CHURL you are doing it for all the wrong reasons!

Also, always have your own money! My grandma told me to keep an account for myself. So ain't no way in hell I'm joining accounts with a man I'm just dating.

Pri said...

Agreed. I have never been a proponent of given all the benefits of a wife without being one. I'm not doing laundry, I'm not packing lunch, I'm not cooking if it's not a special occassion, I'm not giving you a key to my place and I'm not moving in unless our wedding invitations have been mailed out. Maybe it's just me, but I notice that the courting just stops once you women start incorporating all of this into it. I've gotten to the point where I'm not even willing to sleep with someone that's not m husband because men get complacent. At 31, I don't have time for complacency.