Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Too Many MC's Not Enough Mics

I'm a girls girl. I love hanging out with my friends, making new friends and just having that camaraderie with like minded females. However, there are times when I've had enough of the female bonding and the gabfests. I realized that I had my fill of these sessions when on Sunday, after a skate party, I was invited to a classmates house to hang out with other classmates. The first thing that popped to my mind was, "I'm not going to that. Too many soft legs are going to be there." I know, rude, but that's how I'm feeling.

Now, this isn't about finding someone to date. But sometimes you just want some male energy in your life. I used to have boat loads of male friends that I could just call up and chat with or hang out with. But these days, if your not trying to date a dude they don't want to be your friend. So where did all the homies go? Am I the only one wondering this?

The problem does get worse if you are seeking someone to date. There are waaay to many females and not enough males, especially if your looking for quality. This is a heavy topic of discussion during my girls gabfests and one that I'm not going to get into now.

So, I didn't attend the get together at my classmates house. I told her I was too tired to attend, I spared her the part about being too tired of dealing with a whole bunch of women. I later learned that there were guys there but that the male to female ratio as usual was disproportionate. I believe that its perfectly fine to hang out with your girls a lot but I also believe in balance and sometimes you, well I, need a little testosterone to take the edge off and even things out.


Tra said...

LOL I love the title to this....I agree...there are times when you just want to kick it with your "homies" but that's difficult b/c a majority of the time, the guys that are your "homies" are guys you may have met w/the "other" intentions but it didn't work out that way so YOU decided to be friends. He may very well still like you though which can get in the way...but I do have one guy friend that I didn't meet in that way and I love him to death. I like calling him and talking about a bunch of nothing or when I really need to talk about something, he's there to listen w/no strings attached and its a genuine friendship. That's refreshing.

But I hear ya...its sometimes you just dont' want to hear about of females yapping and you don't feel like having to subject yourself to it. I don't think there was anything wrong with not accepting her invitation b/c you already knew what you'd be setting yourself up for.

As for the quality of men...whew...its pathetic out here nowadays. I can't lie, I've had to take of my "blinders" and stop being so superficial BUT I refuse to lower my standards. I'm just asking for the basics. But like Jess said, "cute is out of style"...I'm really taking that to heart, now LOL

Ms. Dre said...

I feel you mae... i miss hangin with the boyz too. They still be around, but half them got girlz that don't understand the friendship. I still have a few 'guy friends' and my man just knows they are my friends... of course he has female friends too. It's wierd tho cuz it seems they sort of fade in and out, unless all the girls are together then i think the guy friends feel more welcomed or something.

Pri said...

I feel you on this topic. I used to think I was anti-social because I would turn down invitation after invitation, but it was simply because it was nothing from the norm. Off all the people I know, there is a miniscule number of women, besides the studio, that I enjoy talking to on a regular basis. I don't really go to too many functions anymore because it's always a bunch of women who need a break from their man and kids talking about nothing I haven't heard before. I'm always trying to find something different to do and talk to people with a different substance level than the average woman. That's how I met the guy I date now. I was looking for a male friend because I got tired of being around trite female conversations. Sometimes I just don't want to hear that sh!t! LOL

Yeah tra...glad to hear you taking the blinders off. You 30+ and there is so much more to life than looks.

Andi, now we know you still cool with all the homies from around the way. LOL Any male or female from back in the day that ya'll wondering about, Andi was probably chillin' with them the other day. LOL

Unknown said...

LOL! At the Andi comment.

I'm glad ya'll understand. But seriously, sometimes I get tired of just looking at broads and being around them. I'm just like ugh, if I hear one more my man story, I'm going to scream!

Misty said...

Funny...I can't really comment, cause after CJ I haven't really dealt with any males that I wasn't dating...

But Mae, I'm sorry, cause I know I subject you to male story after male