Wednesday, March 2, 2011

To freeze or not to freeze....

I was watching "What Chilli Wants" the other night and she was considering freezing her eggs as a "back-up plan" in case she doesn't get married any time soon. I looked into it further & it says that women 40+ only have a 10% chance of getting pregnant, & if they do, there is a 1 in 66 chance that something will be wrong with the child.

The costs to do egg freezing aren't cheap by any means...but as we are reaching our mid 30s mark & mostly unmarried, if you had the funds, would you consider freezing your eggs?


Unknown said...

If I had the funds I would definitely consider freezing my eggs. Hell, now that I think about it I should've used one of these refund checks from college and to freeze my eggs when I was in my 20s! It sucks that when you are mentally, physically and spiritually ready to have a baby, biologically it is not the best time. Not advocating teen pregnancy but that is the age between (15-25) that you are most fertile.

So what to do? Either start saving cash to fertilize, run out and get pregnant by the next man you date or not have children?

I find myself feeling pressure that I haven't felt before to have a baby. I do want one but its getting dimmer by the second!!

Miss Z said...

At this point, being 34, single and without a real husband prospect, I would say no. Although I don't think that anything is wrong with the process for those that desire motherhood that strongly. What I mean by that is for me having a child is an experience that I only want to share with the man that I choose as my life partner. Only after that man finds me will I truly know whether I want to bring a child into this world. This differs from some women in that if you ask them whether they want a child, the answer is unconditionally YES. So at this point I am content to wait and see what the good Lord has in store for me.

Tra said...

This is a tough one considering the fact that I would like to have another child but I don't think I'd save my eggs. But if I did not have any children, I would definetly do it. No questions asked.