Monday, September 19, 2011

Apart but still together...

I've seen several instances where a married couple separates, & one of the parties goes out and starts a new relationship, has a kid, etc. Am I incorrect in what I thought separation meant for married couples? I thought it was a time to work on the marriage while also giving some space, but still staying true to the marriage...

Did separation change? I'm lost, or at least not okay w/ how this new version of it works...


Tra said...

I thought that's what seperated meant opportunity for both parties to take some time and work on themselves and the marriage. But nowadays and marriage vows become less sacred, I'm not suprised. I've heard women say they'd date a man if he's seperated but not married....umm..dumb ass...separated still means married! smh

I wouldn't be suprised if the divorce isn't final b/c folks don't want to pay for it.

Unknown said...

I think it depends on what is going on with the couple.

For instance, I have a friend who has been married a short period of time. She has been separated as long as she's been married. I don't think she ever intended on working on her marriage she just wanted out. But some states won't allow you to file for divorce until a period of time is over--6 months, 12 months.

But there are cases where it is a "cooling" off period and people are trying to work on their marriage. Or may go out and do "x,y,z" but still return to their marriage.

I think if your separated w/the intention of working on your marriage that time apart should not be used as a free for all to do whatever you want.

If your separated and have no intentions of going back to that marriage then how that person chooses to run their "single" life is on him or her.

I personally wouldn't date someone until his divorce is final. Too many loose ends. Plus, I don't want to be the rebound.